Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
1 TIMOTHY 4:12
"Growing, Glowing and Going for Christ"

The Young People Department (YPD) provides training programs and opportunities for leadership experience in all areas of church life for the youth. By providing training in Evangelism, Christian Social Relations, and Education programs the YPD is designed to connect youth more fully to the mission of the church and increase knowledge of the scriptures and the African Methodist Episcopal Church history.
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Our Purpose, "provide meaningful resources, training and guidance in all area of church life which encourage full participation in the mission programs and activities of the entire church and this organization; Provide specific training in Evangelism, Christian Social Relations and Education programs designed to increase knowledge of the African Methodist Episcopal Church History and the scriptures; Facilitate and support opportunities for leadership experiences in the church and society; Enable growth in stewardship in the church; Advocate for the integrity of childhood and the dignity of all children and youth in our religious, civic and political structure; Create linkages, establish work synergies and devise schedules to effectively implement and administer meaningful program and activities for all levels and unites of the organization; and Foster a community, in which children, youths and young adults know each other by name, minister to each other and partner in servicing and witnessing for Jesus Christ."