What’s Your Foundation Built On?

The Verse Matthew 7:24-27 says: (24) Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: (25) And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. (26) And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: (27) And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it (KJV).
Throughout my life I know I have lived it basically for the world. My main priority was what others thought of me along with family and co-workers. I focused more on material things more so than anything. This had turned into great exhaustion for me because I was always trying to develop my life based on other people’s thoughts while living for the world. These were things that I knew were impossible for me to accomplish. I found myself stuck in a position that I was longing to leave but instead of praying to God for change I just focused on other ways to get the promotion. I did not believe that it was utterly possible to get out of that position. It was then when I thought something has got to give, because I may not be going about this the right way. Shortly after this revelation a client came into my office one day and she told me this is not for me and that God was preparing me for something greater, but it was up to me to decide which way I was going to make this change.
Hearing this made me think about the song by Jekalyn Carr called – “Greater Is Coming”, when I thought of this song I thought of the words she would speak in the beginning and they stuck out like a needle in a haystack. “An olive has to go through three stages, for its oil to run: It has to go through the shaking, the beating, and the pressing. And just like the olive, some of you may have felt like you go through the shaking, the beating and the pressing. You've went through all of that for your oil to flow. Now, your greater is coming” (Jekayln Carr). Listening to this song made me think there are stages in my life that I must go through for me to reach where he wants me to be. I have been through some shaking, pressing, and sometimes it felt like a beating, but listening to these words it is nothing but God telling me that I have to go through it to get to it, and my greater is coming. I was attending church, but I was not grasping God's words as I should; I felt as if His words were not reaching me. After carefully pondering over this and thinking about what that client said to me while listening to that song, I knew there was something missing. That something, was me needing more of His word, while developing a true understanding of them. I started reading my bible and picking out verses that I was familiar with to further study them. I was reluctant at first because I felt I did not understand what I was reading, but I did the studying anyway and thank GOD I did. The more I read His word the more I had the feeling of God’s presence. At that moment, I heard God clearly tell me to stop running from Him. To stop focusing on the way of the world when I should be focusing on His word. Although I am still on my journey of getting closer to God, I am going to continue to study His word and reach my “Greater” that is coming.
Looking at Matthew 7:24-27; If we try to focus on what the world has to offer us, like the house on the sand, then things will be unstable and will collapse. This imperfect world is full of sin, and a foundation built on the world will only disappoint us and set us up for failure. We cannot survive on what the world can offer us. However, we can survive on what Jesus can offer us as long as we trust in His word because He is the solid rock in which we should stand on to build our foundation. Problems will come into our lives, but if our focus is on God’s word, His solid rock, we will be able to get through it.
Who or what will you have your focus on? GOD or the World.

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